What is PADEL?

The Programme of Accompaniment in the Development of the Ecotourism of the Locality, with its acronym PADEL, is a programme put in place in order to have a master development plan of the tourism in the municipalities. That programme aims at developing mainly the ecotourism in the locality in order to conciliate the sustainable development and the protection of the nature.

Its objective

The objective of the Programme is to put in place divertified offers of tourism, based on the ecotourism, the cultural, educational tourism and agrotourism in order to contribute to the sustainable development, to the creation of revenues and jobs and to the conservation of the nature.

Its specific objectives :

Research of financing for the implementation of the programme;

Stimulate the reappropriation by the local populations, nationals and the Diaspora of  their cultural identity;

Make the expatriates get benefit from the ecotouristic and cultural resources characterizing the locality;

Make the palaces of the locality be one of arguments of attraction for the promotion of the destination of the locality at the national and international level;

Put in place a strategy of accompaniment of the councils in the development of the ecotourism of the locality.

Its plans of action

Mount an ecotouristic programme in middle and long term;

Inventorize the ecotouristic and cultural sites of the councils;

Valorize the ecotouristic and cultural sites;

Develop the offer of tourism of the councils;

Market and promote the touristic products;

Develop the quality;

Develop the ecotouristic and cultural projects;

Support the local community and the operators in the valorization of the ecotouristic and cultural resources;

Train and retrain the operators of the tourism sector.

Its results :

Financing and implementation of the programme;

Development of investment;

Development of the visit;

Creation of jobs;

Increase in revenue;

Appropriation et perpetuation of the project.

Pilote areas

The programme which is in its first stage is put in place for the development of the tourism of west region.


For the attainment of the objective, the team will develop partnership with the following organizations:

Institutional investors (MINTOURL, MINCULT, MINF, MINAP) ;

NGO dealing in the field of the culture, tourism, decentralization…;

Municipalities ;

Financial backers ;

Citizens ;


Tourist operators (airline, tours operators, travel agency, craftsman…) et cetera.




Tourist and economic operators ;

Municipalies ;

Sleeping partners ;

Chieftaincy ;


For all your need of visit, technical backing, partnership, training and other provisions of service, get in contact with us at (237) 675 86 08 00 or you can email us    Cette adresse e-mail est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser.   www.facebook.com/projetpadel.